BlueSync compares your Payroll data against Manitoba Blue Cross enrollment records and displays records that do not match.

Payroll data can be sent to Manitoba Blue Cross, or updated manually, to maintain enrollment records.

Only Manitoba Blue Cross enrollment records are updated. Your payroll data will not be modified by BlueSync.

BlueSync Pages


The Dashboard is the first page displayed once you are logged in. On the left, information categories are displayed as well as the number of differences we found when comparing your payroll data to ours.

The information displayed in each section shows you the detailed differences between Manitoba Blue Cross’ information and the information stored in your payroll system. This comparison is performed for all active employees and people.

The Dashboard allows you to view the employee’s profile page or exclude records.

Profile Page

The Profile Page displays all of an employee’s information on a single page. The employee must be enrolled with Manitoba Blue Cross, or previously enrolled with Manitoba Blue Cross, to have a profile page in BlueSync.

Manage Exclusions

‘Exclusions’ are records that your organization does not want to be compared and displayed on the dashboard. Excluded records are displayed on this page. On the left, the number of excluded records is displayed for each category.

BlueSync Category Suggestions

The address in payroll is compared to the address Manitoba Blue Cross has on file. The address can be manually updated by pressing Save on the profile page. Clicking the Sync button will update the address with just one click. The Manitoba Blue Cross address will be updated to match the address you have in payroll. This can be done from either the Dashboard or Profile Page.


The beneficiary in payroll is compared to the beneficiary Manitoba Blue Cross has on file. The beneficiary can be manually updated by pressing Save on the profile page. Sync will update the beneficiary with just one click. The Manitoba Blue Cross beneficiary will be updated to match the beneficiary in your payroll. This can be done from either the Dashboard or Profile page.


Employment is the employee’s occupation. The occupation stored in your payroll is compared to the occupation Manitoba Blue Cross has on file. The occupation can be manually updated by pressing Save on the profile page. Sync will update the Manitoba Blue Cross occupation to match the occupation in payroll. This can be done from either the Dashboard or Profile page.

Personal Information Updates

Discrepancies for a first name, last name, gender, or date of birth will appear under the Persons category.

Spouse and Dependent Additions, Reinstatements, Terminations

Discrepancies between enrollment records for a spouse or dependent will appear under the Persons section.

BlueSync will suggest adding or reinstating a spouse/dependent if an active spouse/dependent is found in your payroll system that is not found in Manitoba Blue Cross’ enrollment system.

BlueSync will suggest terminating a spouse/dependent if an inactive spouse/dependent is found in your payroll system that is active in Manitoba Blue Cross’ enrollment system.

For spouse/dependent additions, BlueSync will display the payroll line being populated and the Manitoba Blue Cross line is blank.

For a spouse/dependent terminations, BlueSync will display as a blank payroll row and a populate Manitoba Blue Cross row.


The salary in payroll is compared to the salary Manitoba Blue Cross has on file. The salary can be manually updated by pressing Save on the profile page. Clicking the Sync button will update the salary with just one click. The Manitoba Blue Cross salary will be updated to match the salary you have in payroll. This can be done from either the Dashboard or Profile Page.

New Enrollment

New enrollment suggestions are employees with employee numbers that are in your payroll system, but that employee number has never had coverage with Manitoba Blue Cross.


Reinstatement suggestions are employees that are active in your payroll system but are terminated with Manitoba Blue Cross.


Terminations are employees that show inactive in your payroll system but have active coverage with Manitoba Blue Cross.


The ‘Profile’ button takes you to the profile page which is described in detail below. This page will show you detailed information about an employee as well as compare information for that employee across all information types.


The Sync button will send the Payroll data to Manitoba Blue Cross and save it in our system. Because the information will now be in-sync between our two systems, BlueSync will no longer show the difference.

Sync All

The ‘Sync All’ button is used for one click transfer of information between your payroll system and our enrollment system for all employees in the grid. For example, if there are 33 salary differences, clicking this button will update Manitoba Blue Cross’ records for all 33 employees.  Please note that updating our records for many employees at a time takes additional time.  Please check back to the dashboard later to ensure all records were processed successfully.


The ‘Exclude’ button: There may be information or people in your payroll system, that you do not want to compare with Manitoba Blue Cross’ enrollment information. For example:

  • You may store volunteers or retirees in your payroll system but do not want BlueSync to suggest new enrollments for these people
  • You may store a salary in your payroll system that you do not want to compare or send to Manitoba Blue Cross

For cases where you do not want BlueSync to compare information for an employee, click the exclude button. This will stop us from comparing this information in the dashboard and remove the row displaying the difference. Note that you can always ‘undo’ an exclusion. See the ‘Manage Exclusions’ section.

Comparisons are still made for excluded records, any record that has been excluded will show on the Manage Exclusions page.

Exclude All

Exclude All behaves the same as the Exclude button, but this will exclude all records displayed for a category.

Note: This only excludes the records appearing on the Dashboard when Exclude All is selected. Future discrepancies for this category will continue to be reflected on the Dashboard.

Remove Exclusion

Remove Exclusion is on both the Manage Exclusion page and the Profile page. Clicking this button will remove the exclusion record allowing it to be compared and shown in the dashboard.

View Profile

This will take you to an employee’s profile page.

Exclude Profile

Exclude Profile is available only on the Profile page. This will exclude this employee from all comparisons on the Dashboard.

Active Profile

Active Profile is on the Profile and Manage Exclusions page. This will remove the excluded profile and all comparisons will appear on the Dashboard again.


The Save button is on the Profile page. Information can be manually typed in the Manitoba Blue Cross row. Clicking Save will send the information that was manually entered to Manitoba Blue Cross’ enrollment system. Once saved, comparisons will be done against the new data.


The Terminate button will terminate either an employee (and any spouse or dependents that also have active coverage) or a spouse or dependent. The termination date should be entered as the employee’s last day worked, or the last day the spouse or dependent was eligible for coverage.


The Reinstate button will reinstate either an employee (and any spouse or dependents that were terminated for the same date as the employee) or a spouse or dependent.  The reinstatement date should be the date the employee, spouse or dependent coverage becomes effective again.

Start Enrollment

Start Enrollment is on the Dashboard under New Enrollment suggestions.

Changes or additions can be made to any of the information BlueSync pulls from your payroll system, prior to submitting the enrollment.

What to do when a record fails

If you receive an error message and need help, please reach out to your client administration representative for help. We can help provide information as to why the record failed and/or process it manually.